
GrCycling in Chile

GrCycling goes to the breath-taking country of Chile!

Well… due to the pandemic not right now, but our premium cycling kits have never stopped travelling 🙂

GrCycling Kits are being testes

Jose-Miguel just completed a 225km long ride and gained 4020m in elevation. It was a real pleasure for us to see the GrCycling colours to begin right at the sea level and finish at an altitude of 2850m. At the same time we feel proud that our gear provides all the comfort a cyclist needs during those long days on the saddle.

Los Antes to Portillo: A tough cycling route

The icing on the cake was the route’s last segment, the one from Los Antes to Portillo, which is basically a 60km climb, of constantly increasing grade and with more than 2200m of elevation gain (2020m of altitude difference – What was also noticeable is the drop in the temperature. At Los Antes they had 36C (oh yes… it is summer there now, cool euh?) and while finishing at Portillo is was 10C, even below the Greek winter temperature. Mind-blowing!

We were lucky enough to be Chile two years ago and cycle with the local riders there. We think we will do it again during winter 2021-2022. Anyone interested? (Yes, yes, yes!) Please send us an email at and register your interest.

Thank you Jose-Miguel. We will see each other soon.